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NBN TC-4: Reliable Broadband Solutions

Genesystel offers 100/40 asymmetrical Enterprise NBN TC-4 100/40 mbps through various access technologies.

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP): This technology connects fast broadband by running fibre-optic cables directly from a fibre node to the end-user premises.

Fibre to the Node (FTTN): FTTN delivers fast broadband by running fibre-optic cables to a neighbourhood node or cabinet, and then using the existing copper network to reach the end-user premises.

Fibre to the Building (FTTB): FTTB provides access to fast broadband by installing fibre-optic cables to the basement of multi-dwelling units, like apartment buildings, and utilizing existing copper wiring to connect to end-user premises.

Fibre to the Curb (FTTC): FTTC offers access to fast broadband by installing fibre-optic cables to an outdoor pit near the end-user’s premises and using the existing copper network to reach the end-user.

Cable/Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC): HFC technology combines fibre and coaxial cable to connect homes to the NBN network, providing access to fast broadband services.

Fixed Wireless: NBN Fixed Wireless services utilize radio communications from an nbn™ Fixed Wireless facility to a small outdoor antenna on your premises. This technology employs advanced LTE or 4G technology to deliver consistent services to a predetermined number of premises within each coverage area. Unlike mobile wireless, where speeds can vary due to user mobility, Fixed Wireless is engineered for steadier performance, even during peak usage periods.

Product Specification Table

Parameter Specification
Bandwidth 100/40 Mbps (subject to CPE compatibility)
Number of services supported 1
Services Supported Included:
  • Unlimited Internet – IP-Line with flat-rate data
Contention Ratio Asymmetric
Genesystel SDWAN/SD-Internet NTU Genesystel will provide an SDWAN/SD-Internet port for seamless auto failover feature without manual intervention and SDWAN connectivity for multiple sites
Auto-failover 4G Included
Reporting Dashboard and Analytics Complimentary Dashboard and Analytics for real-time visibility of both primary/backup link and their performances (Latency, Jitter, Packet loss)
Technical Support 24 x 7, 365 days per year